What's a service like?
Our service is described as traditional. An organ generally accompanies the music. Responses are spoken or sung. We use The Lutheran Service Book for our order of worship, generally Divine Services 1, 3, and 4. Some people dress casually, some dress up - all are welcome. If you want to check out any of our services ahead of time, you can watch us on YouTube!
What about my kids?
We offer Sunday School for kids at 9:15 to 10 am. A nursery attendant is available upon request, but we encourage children to worship together with their family.
When is Communion offered?
On 1st and 3rd Sundays, we celebrate the Lord's Supper in the worship service itself. On all other Sundays, Communion is offered after the service for those who wish to receive the Sacrament. For those unable to attend services on Sunday, Pastor Mike is glad to set up a time to bring Communion to you.
Can I take communion?
Out of Biblical love and concern we request that you are a baptized Christian; have examined yourself and recognize your sin and need of God's grace through this special means; profess the real presence of Christ's body in the bread and His blood in the wine; have faith in the Savior's words, "given and shed for you, for the forgiveness of sin."; and recognize that participation at our table indicates agreement with our understanding of Communion.
How can I get connected?
The best way would be for you to sign our visitors' book when you enter the building and also the attendance sheet located in each pew so that we will have your contact information. Another great way is to head into Founders' Hall after service for a cup of coffee and snack and a time of fellowship with our members and other visitors.
What's the music like?
Most of our music is taken directly from the Lutheran Service Book hymnal which includes quite a number of good hymns like Beautiful Savior with a mix of some contemporary songs played on piano and guitar.
Where do I park?
We have plenty of parking which encircles the church with entry doors on all sides. There is also overflow parking directly across from the church on Griffin Road.