If you are a Communicant member of Bethany Lutheran Church, and you and/or your children could benefit from scholarship assistance, NOW is the time to apply for the 2025-2026 academic year. The deadline for submission of applications is March 1, 2025, so please act quickly!
A limited amount of funding is available for scholarships, but we invite you to apply now! You can access the application forms by going to https://www.bethanylutheranleesburg.com/bethany-scholarship. You’ll find the forms as addendums at the end of the guidelines.
You may apply for scholarship assistance for:
Please be sure to use the appropriate application form and to provide all documentation requested.
The deadline for applying for the 2025-2026 academic year is March 1, 2025 so time is of the essence. If you need assistance in completing application forms, please contact the church office for more specific help.
You may wish to review the guidelines to familiarize yourself with what sorts of expenses can be funded, the timelines and reporting requirements, and with the procedures for requesting disbursement of scholarship funds. If you have questions in any of these areas, please be sure to ask for assistance. Our goal is to award scholarships, not to make people jump through hoops!
To view the Scholarship Program Guidelines with all required applications, download the Bethany Scholarship Program Guidelines